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How to Build a Successful Career in Sports Consultancy

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Imagine shaping the future of talented stars and having a front-row seat to the thrilling world of sports.

That’s the allure of a career in sports consultancy and something our team here at Sport & Motion gets to live every day.

This dynamic field blends passion for sports with the acumen of strategic planning, offering a path to those who dream of merging their love for sports with a professional career.

Sports consultancy is a key element of what we do here, and when combined with our other services such as sports event planning, sports choreography, and more, we have the whole package for someone looking to build their personal brand and become a big name in this world.

In this blog, we’re going to delve into the exciting journey of building a successful career in sports consultancy, exploring key steps and strategies to help you make your mark in this competitive industry.

Let’s take a look.

Understanding the Role of a Sports Consultant

Let’s start by answering a big question. Just what is a sports consultant?

In a nutshell, a sports consultant is a strategist, an advisor, and often a confidant, playing a crucial role in the success of athletes young and old as they pave their way in their own careers.

Our remit can range from marketing strategies for big brands to athlete management and even contract negotiations.

Basically, when a role comes up that is perfect for the skillset of a talented individual, a consultant will be there to ensure their client gets a great shot at picking it up.

To thrive in this role, you need a diverse skill set – robust knowledge of the sports industry, exceptional communication skills, strategic thinking, and an unwavering passion for sports.

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Educational Pathways to Becoming a Sports Consultant

A career as a sports consultant can start in many ways, and it is often the case that education plays a key part.

Degrees in sports management, business administration, or marketing provide a comprehensive understanding of the industry.

Enhance your qualifications with specialised courses in sports law, finance, or athlete representation, and you have the complete skillset to really make a mark in this field.

Remember, the goal is to build a foundation that combines sports-specific knowledge with broad business acumen, and this is a great way of ensuring you can always provide the best possible service for your clients.

Gaining Practical Experience

Starting out, look for internships or entry-level positions in sports agencies, teams, or related businesses.

These early experiences are crucial – offering a glimpse into various facets of the industry, from client management to sports casting.

Learn as much as you can and be open to starring in a role that might not be your end goal.

For example, working in sports marketing can provide invaluable insights into brand building and sponsorships, a skill crucial for sports consultancy.

Networking and Relationship Building

Networking is the lifeline of the sports industry.

Attend sports events, conferences, and seminars. Engage actively on professional platforms like LinkedIn and consider joining sports management forums or associations.

These connections can lead to mentorship opportunities, partnerships, or even your next job. Remember, it’s not just about collecting contacts; it’s about building meaningful relationships.

These always come in really handy. For example, let’s say a great opportunity crops up appearing in an exciting new sports production alongside a famous star.

If you’ve already built up a good relationship with the director, and other people working on the shoot, this boosts the chances of your clients getting a shot at the key roles, which could play a huge part in furthering their career.

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Staying Ahead of the Curve

The sports industry is constantly evolving.

Stay informed about the latest trends, be it in sports technology, athlete wellness, or fan engagement strategies.

Subscribe to sports business journals, follow influential sports consultants on social media, and attend workshops or webinars.

Continuous learning ensures you remain relevant and knowledgeable in an ever-changing field.

Again, this is the best way to always be providing your clients with the best information to help them move forward, and that is always the key focus of a great sports consultant.

Building a Personal Brand

In today’s digital age, your online presence is your resume.

Just like with the sports talent themselves, who may go on to become key influencers in the industry, a consultant must also get their name out there to become known and trusted.

Create a professional profile on social media platforms. Share your insights, write articles, or comment on industry developments.

This not only showcases your expertise but also demonstrates your engagement with the sports world.

Additionally, consider speaking at sports events or seminars – it’s a powerful way to build your reputation as a thought leader in sports consultancy.

Who knows, your next great client may be sitting in the audience and may decide you are the consultancy for them.

Ethical and Professional Standards

Sports consultancy is not just about strategies and profits; it’s also about integrity.

Upholding ethical standards, respecting confidentiality, and maintaining professionalism in all interactions is paramount.

Your reputation is your currency in this field and ethical lapses can be costly.

Not only that, but our role is to help young and talented individuals forge a career, and every step we take should be to do just that.

We see our relationship with our clients as a partnership, and every great sports consultant should feel the same to really make their mark on this industry.

Sport & Motion

Building a successful career in sports consultancy is a journey of passion, persistence, and continuous learning.

It requires a blend of education, experience, and the right network. But, most importantly, it needs a deep-rooted love for sports and for nurturing and promoting talented individuals.

As you embark on this exciting path, remember that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace the journey with enthusiasm and resilience, and you’ll find your place in the dynamic world of sports consultancy.

If you want to know more? Or if you’re a talented individual looking to further your career in your chosen sport, then get in touch with Sport & Motion today.

Our database is packed full of a diverse range of individuals, all excelling in their own field, and you could be next.

athlete about to run a race

Key Things a Sports Consultancy Agency Looks for in Athletes

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In the dynamic and highly competitive world of sports, sports consultancies play a pivotal role in shaping the careers of athletes.

Here at Sport & Motion, we have seen a wide range of talented individuals enter our database and make great strides forward in their careers.

Of course, our team do their part in this, providing advice and great opportunities, but the athlete is also integral to their own success.

When picking an individual, there are certain characteristics we look for that show us this person is destined for greatness, and in this blog, we’re going to run through seven of them.

Let’s take a look.

BMX freestyler at sports event

Exceptional Athletic Ability

First and foremost, an athlete must possess outstanding skills in their respective sport.

This includes physical attributes like strength, speed, and endurance, as well as technical skills specific to their chosen field.

However, raw talent alone isn’t enough.

Consultancies also look for athletes who demonstrate a commitment to constantly improving their abilities through training and practice.

Being great at a sport comes in many different forms. For example, a runner may be able to run a great time in the 100 metres, and another may be a great endurance runner.

Finding your niche and honing your skills is the ideal way to create a space for you in the market, and a consultancy will surely be glad to take you on.

Strong Work Ethic and Discipline

The path to becoming a successful athlete is paved with hard work and discipline.

Sports consultancies value individuals who show dedication to their craft, are willing to put in the hours of training, and can maintain discipline in their lifestyle.

This also includes the ability to recover from setbacks and continue striving for improvement.

We want to take on someone who will be with us for the long haul. We don’t need every athlete in our database to be the final package just yet, but we need to be ready to believe they will get there, and having a great attitude is integral to that.

This mental fortitude is also great at influencing younger fans watching on, and you’re sure to bring people around to your way of thinking the more people see you and notice your resilience and self-belief.

Mental Toughness and Resilience

Sports are as much a mental game as a physical one.

Athletes who can maintain focus, handle pressure, and bounce back from setbacks are highly sought after.

Mental toughness is a key attribute that consultancies assess, as it often determines how an athlete performs in critical, high-stress situations.

Sometimes there may be an instance where an athlete doesn’t get picked for a big production or doesn’t manage to hit their goals.

This is a setback, but what matters is how you bounce back from this, and make sure the next time an opportunity comes around, you’re in a better position to take it.

Teamwork Qualities

While individual talent is important, sports are often about teamwork.

Even in individual sports, the ability to work well with coaches, trainers, and support staff is crucial.

Here at Sport & Motion, we often send out talented clients to great jobs in productions and events.

We need to know that the athlete is going to respond well to the advice given by directors, choreographers, and more, whilst on set and that they will always represent our brand in the best possible way.


In the modern era of sports, an athlete’s marketability is almost as important as their athletic performance.

Sports consultancies look for individuals who can serve as brand ambassadors. This includes having a marketable personality, a clean public image, and the ability to connect with fans and the media.

We want someone who is approachable and friendly, and that can always delight an audience with their skills and build their brand.

This kind of personality radiates through a camera and can be felt by anyone watching their work, so this is a key aspect of growing your brand and making a name for yourself in this industry.

This is also a big benefit when it comes to building sponsorships and partnerships which can be a big boost to an athlete in their career.

Adaptability and Learning Agility

The ability to adapt to different roles is crucial.

Consultancies look for athletes who are quick learners and are open to feedback and new ideas.

You may be a freestyler who loves putting on a show at big events, but maybe you’re asked to star in a production doing something different

This adaptability extends far beyond just performing, encompassing the ability to adjust to different cultures and environments, especially in international projects.

Good Physical Fitness

Long-term health and fitness are key considerations.

Athletes must maintain peak physical condition and show a proactive approach to preventing injuries.

If this can be maintained properly, there is no reason an athlete’s career shouldn’t go from strength to strength, constantly evolving and growing until they’re a household name.

Without constant work on physical levels, the work can become harder, especially as an athlete gets older, so this is a key consideration.

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Sport & Motion

In conclusion, while natural talent is a significant factor, it’s the combination of physical prowess, mental strength, discipline, teamwork, marketability, adaptability, and health that makes an athlete truly stand out.

Sports consultancies are on the lookout for these multi-dimensional athletes who can excel in the competitive world of sports while being exemplary figures in all aspects of their lives.

For aspiring athletes, understanding these aspects and working on them can be key to catching the eye of a top sports consultancy.

And if you think that sounds like you then why not get in touch with our team today? We can discuss the next steps with you. And if you think you’re already at the level to take on some roles and think we may be the right sports consultancy agency for you, head on straight over to our application portal to join our database.

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7 Tips to Make the Most of any Sports Event

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Whether you’re a seasoned sports fan or a newcomer to the thrilling world of live sports, attending a sporting event in person is an experience unlike any other.

There are many forms of sports events. It can be attending a live game, or visiting an organised day that is celebrating a certain sport or brand, such as we help to organise here at Sport & Motion.

With any sporting event, no matter the size and scale of it, there are certain things you can do to really ensure you make the most of this exhilarating experience.

We want the attendees to go home happy from every one of our events, and therefore we’ve compiled these seven top tips to help.

Let’s take a look.

Sports Events with Sport & Motion

Let’s start with a bit of an idea of the work we do here at Sport & Motion.

Our team has built up years of experience consulting and assisting with the organisation of many different kinds of sports events.

With every one, we use our authenticity and creativity to make something that is unique and sure to showcase the best of the sports talent on show.

There are many things you must consider when putting on such a show, including picking the right venue, always maintaining focus on the core messages of the brand, and ultimately making sure everything runs as it should.

This encompasses various aspects like sports consultancy, talent, activations, production, and involving influencers to add a unique touch to the events.

So, now you know the work we put in, here’s how you can enjoy the big event to the maximum.

7 Tips for Attending Sports Events

Get Your Tickets Booked Early

Popular events sell out quickly.

Buy your tickets well in advance to secure you get a spot at the event.

This is especially important when events are happening in smaller locations and if influencers and big brand sponsorships are being used as these can draw a big crowd.

Understand the Location Rules

Different venues have different rules regarding what you can bring in.

Check their website beforehand for information on items like bags, cameras, and food, especially if your event is being hosted in a stadium.

Always respect the stewards and sports events companies working on the day and stick to the rules they give to help everything run smoothly.

Be a courteous spectator. Follow venue rules, avoid obstructive behaviour like standing for long periods if it blocks others’ views, and be respectful to other attendees.

It’s also a good idea to ensure you know where all of the emergency exits and first aid stations are just in case you need to use one later on.

Plan Your Transportation

Decide how you’ll get to the event.

Consider public transportation options to avoid parking hassles and traffic. If driving, know where to park and the costs involved.

Big events can cause some congestion, so it is always a good idea to set off a little earlier just to make sure you don’t miss any of the show.

It’s also wise to think about your exit strategy to avoid the rush when the event is close to finishing. Waiting a few extra minutes before leaving or knowing a less crowded route can make a big difference, especially when you’re with children.

Know the Schedule

It is important that you know what is happening, and when it is taking place.

Be clear about the event’s timetable, including when gates open, when the event starts, and any pre-event activities you might want to attend.

Events can run throughout a day with different things taking place, so make sure you know what you want to see and are in the right place to spot it.

Many events now have apps that you can download which can be really helpful in pointing you in the right direction for the best shows of the day.

Arrive Early

It is always a good idea to get to the venue as early as possible.

Getting there early can help you avoid long lines and give you time to find the best spot to stand or sit, explore the event, and soak in the atmosphere.

As anticipation builds, being able to take it all in can really help to make the full day extra special.

Who knows, you may even stumble upon a smaller show you didn’t expect.

Capture the Moment

While it is important that you take in the atmosphere and really live the experience, it is also nice to take photos and videos so that you can remember the special day you had.

As shows take place, capture the moments that are really special as this will help you remember them in the future.

Of course, make sure you are always mindful of the event’s photography policy and the people around you.

Engage with Other Fans

Part of the fun is interacting with other attendees.

Cheer for your team, start a conversation with people sitting near you and enjoy the communal atmosphere.

This can be a great way of meeting like-minded people and sharing the experience with them can provide a real boost to your own enjoyment of the big day.

You are all there to enjoy the day and revel in the atmosphere, so don’t be afraid to speak to people and embrace the day.

And of course, when there are sports activations taking place, try and get involved as this is a great way to get up close and personal with the individuals putting on the show and learn from them.

Sports Events with Sport & Motion

Attending a sports event can be an unforgettable adventure, filled with stunning shows, different sports, talented individuals, and excited attendees.

Here at Sport & Motion, we love putting on these events and seeing them come together successfully and the happy faces of the attendees are what makes our job so special to us.

If you are a brand looking to host an event, or simply want to know more about what we can do, then get in touch with our team today.

A Guide to Navigating Sports Sponsorships and Partnerships

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In the fast-paced world of sports, sponsorships and partnerships play a pivotal role in shaping the success of athletes, teams, and events.

There can be talented individuals working with brands to promote their gear, or sports productions being commissioned by huge brands.

At Sport and Motion, we understand the complexities and nuances involved in these collaborations and have worked with global names like Under Armour, Nike, and Adidas in the past.

Our experience in the industry has equipped us with insights that we believe are crucial for navigating sports sponsorships and partnerships effectively, and we want to share them with you today in this guide.

Let’s take a look.

The Sports Sponsorship Landscape

The first step in navigating sports sponsorships is understanding the landscape.

The sports industry offers a diverse range of sponsorship opportunities, from individual athlete endorsements to large-scale event partnerships.

It’s essential for any sports talent to identify the right fit for their brand or entity, aligning their values and goals with those of their sponsorship partner.

This is key to continuing along your brand journey and creating a story and persona that fits your ethos.

A good sponsorship can be the making of an individual or sports event, and the benefits should be shared between both parties.

The Benefits of Sports Sponsorships and Partnerships

There are many benefits to working with big brands in the world of sports, including:

Financial Support

Sponsorships often provide financial backing, which can be crucial for covering individual expenses such as travel and training costs, as well as helping to improve the quality of events and productions.

Broader Reach and Exposure

Being associated with a brand can increase visibility and recognition for an individual or an event.

It can really open the door in terms of promotion and help attract a wider audience through brand marketing as well as your own.

It can also help to enhance credibility, and when people see your name or event tied in with a big brand, it is a great first impression.

Access to Resources and Equipment

If you are a talented individual, a sponsorship can be your key to getting some great equipment.

This is often provided for free as long as you wear it and promote the brand you are sponsored by, which can be a big help when starting out your career.

Shared Expertise and Networking

Partnerships allow for the sharing of expertise, knowledge, and best practices which can significantly improve the planning and execution of the event.

For an individual, it can also be a great way of networking and meeting influential people in their chosen field.

Motivation and Morale Boost

If you have spent hours planning an event, or years working on your personal skillset to become a leader in your chosen sport, knowing a big brand believes in you enough to work with you can provide a huge boost to your morale and self-belief.

football sports talent

The Power of Mutual Benefits

The core of successful sponsorships and partnerships lies in mutual benefit.

At Sport and Motion, we emphasise the importance of creating relationships where both parties gain value.

This could be through brand exposure, community engagement, or shared resources.

Understanding and respecting each partner’s objectives is key to a fruitful relationship, and this kind of bond is vital for a long-lasting relationship between brands and individuals.

How to Negotiate and Structure Sports Sponsorship Deals

Effective negotiation and deal structuring are critical.

This involves clear communication, understanding legal implications, and ensuring that agreements are fair and transparent.

Our expertise lies in crafting deals that not only meet our client’s immediate needs but also consider long-term implications and potential growth.

Some things we always consider are:

  • Opportunities – We will always start by identifying brands or companies whose values and target audience align with your sport or event and build a list of potential sponsors and partners that we can discuss before choosing the perfect one.
  • The Need of the Sponsor – We get to know the sponsor and what they want to achieve, whether it’s brand exposure, community engagement, or another goal. We use these needs to plan the next steps and ensure a long-lasting relationship is feasible.
  • The Benefits – Whether for an event or individual, we get a good grasp of what each sponsor and partner can provide, weighing up the benefits before advising you on the best decision.
  • Flexibility – Negotiation is a key part of this process, and we love working with sponsors who can be flexible to the desires of the individual and event in question. Our team of experts have negotiated many contracts and always looks to achieve the best deal for both parties.
  • Clarity – Once terms are agreed upon, ensure all details are clearly outlined in a contract, including payment terms, duration, deliverables, and any other obligations. Clarity and transparency are key to avoiding any issues further down the line.

These are just a handful of some of the things to consider, and that is why it is so important to work with a sports consultant who can provide tailored advice to get an individual or event the best sponsors and partners for them.

Staying Ahead of the Game

In today’s digital age, leveraging online platforms for sponsorships and partnerships is non-negotiable.

Social media and various other media outlets offer unparalleled reach and engagement opportunities.

We help our clients optimise their digital strategy, ensuring that their sponsorships and partnerships are effectively showcased across various online channels.

The sports sponsorship landscape is ever-evolving.

Staying ahead of industry trends and adapting strategies accordingly is crucial.

We keep our finger on the pulse of the latest developments, from emerging sports technologies to shifting consumer behaviours, to ensure our clients’ sponsorships and partnerships are current and impactful.

Understanding the Impact of Sports Sponsorships and Partnerships

Evaluating the impact of sponsorships and partnerships is crucial for ongoing success.

There are many ways of working out if the relationship is beneficial, and a good place to start is by setting out KPIs to assess how much exposure and engagement you and your event are getting from this partnership.

At Sport and Motion, we use data-driven approaches to assess the effectiveness of each partnership, ensuring our clients get the best value.

From measuring the ROI of the sponsorships to comparing results against industry benchmarks, we make everything as clear as possible to provide a transparent and honest evaluation of the sponsorship deal in place.

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Sports Consultancy with Sport and Motion

Navigating sports sponsorships and partnerships requires a blend of strategic thinking, industry knowledge, and adaptability.

 At Sport and Motion, we pride ourselves on guiding our clients through this complex landscape, ensuring that each partnership is not just a transaction, but a stepping stone to greater success in the sports world.

We also organise events and love bringing partners on board to make each show that extra bit more special.

Want to know more? Or if you would like to join our database of talented individuals, then get in touch today.

kai havertz case study

How to Ensure a Smooth Production when Working with Famous Sports Stars

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Working with sports stars for advertising shoots can be an exciting yet challenging experience.

Here at Sport & Motion, we love working with global names, such as Anthony Joshua, Kai Havertz, and captains of WSL teams.

These athletes often have a large following and can bring significant attention to the brand we are working with. Working with these talented athletes is always a thrill, and seeing their skills up close is a great part of the work we do.

However, there are challenges, and in this guide, we’re going to delve into the best way to work with famous sports stars and influencers, and how to make the best sports production with them in a lead role.

Let’s take a look.

Pre-Production Planning

One of the most important times in this whole process, is before filming of the production begins. There are many things to consider at this time, including:

Research the Athlete

The first step is to get to know everything you can about the athlete in question.

Start at the beginning, learning about the start of their journey and how they forged their career.

Think about their career highlights, interviews they have done, and the persona they portray as this can all be used to add to the production.

You should try to tailor the shoot to better fit their persona and public roles or it may be confusing to viewers.

Clear Communication

Make sure you have a clear line of communication with the athlete’s management team.

Discuss schedules, expectations, and any specific requirements the athlete may have. We mentioned earlier that many influencers and athletes have extremely busy schedules, so try and be as transparent and communicative as possible to ensure it all goes smoothly.

Establishing a single point of contact early on and using tools like project management software and shared calendars can really help here.

Script and Storyboard

Prepare a detailed script and storyboard. This should include all dialogue and actions throughout the production, with an emphasis on what is expected of the sports star.

Share these with the athlete and their team for approval before the production begins so you know that they have a clear idea of what is coming and there will be no unexpected issues.

Sending these weeks in advance is always a good idea so any concerns can be ironed out before filming begins.

Location and Logistics

You should always start with a few locations in mind before filtering down to the perfect spot.

There are a few factors to consider when selecting this.

It is important that the location you choose is aesthetically pleasing and relevant to the advertisement. This way you will be able to set the scene and create a believable story.

You should also choose a location that is convenient for the athlete and ensure all logistics are sorted well in advance.

Finally, find somewhere you are allowed to film, and ensure all required permits are granted and that the amenities are in place to make sure the filming can run smoothly (this includes changing rooms, toilets etc.)


Make sure to have all contracts, including image rights and NDAs, signed before the shoot.

You should use lawyers to ensure that everything is being signed off correctly and there is nothing that could cause any issues.

Other things to consider are termination fees, compensation figures and image rights.

The more famous and established the athletes, the more legal formalities there may be so make sure you have a professional make sure everything is as should be before the production begins.

During the Shoot


Athletes have tight schedules. This means that the time slot they have assigned to film the production is often set in stone, and there isn’t much wiggle room on either side.

It is always a good idea to make sure everything is set up before they arrive so you can make the most of their time.

Run a few test shots to ensure all equipment is working correctly, as the last thing you need is a sports star on a tight schedule and faulty equipment that is slowing down the shoot.


Brief the athlete on the shoot’s flow, what you expect from them, and how they can prepare.

The best time they do this is when they arrive, as this will give them enough time to plan how they can best spend their time preparing for and filming the shoot.

This is also a great time to provide answers to any questions that the athlete may have and make sure they are happy with everything that is in place.


Be prepared to adapt.

Athletes are not professional actors, so you may need to adjust your approach and techniques used to get the best performance.

If something isn’t working, then make sure you have a plan B (and even a plan C) waiting in the wings that is ready to go.

This way, you won’t waste any time on the day of production trying to come up with new ideas.

You may also find that the athletes themselves have some ideas. They know their skills better than anyone else, so make sure you adapt to this and incorporate some new scenes or shots accordingly.

Respect Their Limits

Don’t ask them to do anything that might risk injury or fatigue, especially if they are in-season.

At the briefing when the athlete arrives, you should consult them on all aspects of the shoot, and this includes anything which they may be uncomfortable with.

This is a good time to do this as it gives you plenty of time to adapt.

Some athletes may not be allowed certain things due to the risk of injury, and they may have orders from their clubs and sponsors to hold back, so be aware of this and plan the shoot accordingly.

Capture Extra Content

What happens when a professional footballer is waiting between shots and there is a ball at their feet?

Chances are they will play with it, taking shots at goal or practising skills.

 If time allows, capture this additional footage or photos as it can be used for social media or future campaigns.

Some of these shots may even make their way into the final production, so try and never miss a beat.



Share the initial edits with the athlete and their team for feedback.

Most established influencers will have a brand image, so you must share the content with them to ensure it aligns with this.

You should also consider the brands they represent here, especially the one for whom the production has been created, as this is also a representation of them.

If there are any issues here, be prepared and adapt (this is when having additional shots can come in handy as you may need some replacements).

Final Edits

Make any necessary changes and prepare the final version of the advertisement.

Take on board any feedback you have received from the athlete and other professionals when making these edits, as this can lead to some real improvements in the final production.

Before finalising, ensure all stakeholders have seen the advertisement and are happy with the content.


Ensure that all payments are processed as per the contract.

These payments should always be transparent and well-documented. In most cases, you may have paid an initial deposit to secure the sports star for the duration of the shoot, so make sure your figures add up and that the right amount is paid to the relevant parties.


Coordinate with the athlete for a joint social media push when the advertisement goes live.

Many established sports stars will come with a big following, and they will be influencers in their own right.

This opens up your sports advertisement to a whole new audience and new ways of marketing, and if you can time the release to synchronise with the athlete posting the production, then this is sure to have a big effect and really help it pick up traction.

Say Thank You

A small token of appreciation or a thank-you note can go a long way in maintaining a good relationship for future collaborations.

Send a personalised thank you note or a small gift as a token of your appreciation for the hard work the sports star put into the shoot.

If you worked closely with specific members of their teams, such as agents and personal assistants, it can also be nice to send them a thank-you gift, and this can lead to another valuable relationship.

Sport & Motion

Working with sports stars can be a win-win situation when done correctly. Some historic work has been done in this field to create stunning and emotive advertisements.

Here at Sport & Motion, we love working with global sports stars and have worked with huge influencers such as Son Heung-Min, Jamie Redknapp, and the Philippines basketball team.

If you have a production in mind, need help bringing an idea to life, or if you are a sports star looking to grow your brand and start your career, we can help you.

Get in touch with our team today to know more.

team of women for kick it out campaign

The Power of Good Sports Advertising

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Ever found yourself humming the jingle from a sports advertisement, or maybe even tearing up at an inspiring production featuring your favourite athlete?

If you answered yes, you’re not alone.

Sports advertising has an incredible power to move us, make us laugh, and sometimes even inspire us to get off the sofa and break a sweat.

But what is it that makes these short films stick in our minds long after we’ve seen them?

Well, in this blog from the team at Sport & Motion, we’re going to answer this question for you, amongst some others.

Let’s take a look.

The Evolution of Sports Advertising

Long gone are the days of slapping a sports influencer’s face on a cereal box and considering the job done.

Times have changed, and with some of the incredible sports advertisements we’ve seen over the years, they’ve certainly changed for the better.

Going Back to the Beginning

Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane.

In the early days, sports advertising was pretty straightforward.

Think of Michael Jordan’s iconic partnership with Nike which is one of the most famous examples of early sports marketing.

These were simpler times when a billboard or a TV spot during a big game was the pinnacle of sports marketing, and the results were pretty astronomical (and still are to this day).

The Digital Revolution

Fast forward to today, and we’re living in a much more digital world which has paved the way to new avenues and methods of promoting sports products and brands.

Social media, streaming services, and even video games have become playgrounds for sports advertisers.

The industry has expanded way beyond traditional media, and brands are scoring big with targeted, interactive campaigns.

Adapting to New Media

But it’s not just about jumping on the latest tech bandwagon.

The most successful sports advertising campaigns are those that adapt to new media while staying true to the essence of the sport or athlete they’re promoting.

Like a well-coached team; you’ve got to adapt your strategy depending on the playing field, and making a good sports advertisement must follow these principles.

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Key Elements of Good Sports Advertising

Ask yourself, what really makes you stop scrolling and pay attention to a sports production?

Is it the star athlete?

The catchy music?

Or maybe it’s something more?

We’ve worked on many great campaigns, and here are three things that you must ensure are part of your final product.

Emotional Connection – First up, let’s talk about feelings. A great sports ad doesn’t just sell a product; it sells an emotion. Whether it’s the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, or the sheer joy of participation, the best ads tap into emotions that resonate with us. Remember Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign? It wasn’t just about shoes; it was about empowerment, aspiration, and the drive to be better.

Authenticity – Next on the list is authenticity. In a world full of filters and Photoshop, we crave something real, something genuine. This is especially true in sports advertising. An advertisement that truly understands the sport, the athlete, or the fans will always stand out. Authenticity builds trust, and trust is the cornerstone of any successful campaign.

Creativity – Last but definitely not least, let’s talk about creativity. The sports world is full of clichés: the underdog story, the last-minute win, the retirement of a legend. But the ads that really stick with us are the ones that take these familiar narratives and turn them on their heads. Whether it’s using humour, stunning visuals, or an unexpected twist, creativity and good choreography are what sets a good sports production apart from a great one.

Some Examples from Sport & Motion

Case Study 1: Tiger Beer – “The Golden Son

We were delighted to delve into our database and assign a body double for Son Heung-Min, the South Korean football sensation.

Tiger Beer took his inspiring journey to create an ad that carried a powerful narrative.

The campaign tells the story of Son’s rise to fame, capturing his struggles and triumphs. It’s not just about football; it’s about the courage to dream big.

 The ad was part of Tiger Beer’s year-long ‘Year of Your Tiger’ platform, which aimed to inspire people to chase their boldest ambitions.

Case Study 2: Kick It Out – “Football for All”

Kick It Out has been fighting against discrimination in sports since 1993.

We were thrilled to work with them on this short film, which is a testament to their commitment to diversity and inclusion.

The ad features male and female footballers from various ethnicities, faiths, and orientations, including those with disabilities.

The campaign’s message is clear: Football is for everyone, and we made sure this came across through the imagery and choreography on show.

Case Study 3: New Balance – “We Got Now”

New Balance’s “We Got Now” campaign features two young female sports prodigies, Sydney and Coco.

The ad focuses on their friendly rivalry and the joy of competition.

It’s not about the gear or the glory; it’s about the human moments that make sports so compelling.

The campaign aimed to connect the world’s dramatic changes through the lens of these decorated athletes, and we used colour and an upbeat soundtrack to really create a happy and uplifting setting, in keeping with the brand.

The Impact of Good Sports Advertising

These are just a handful of some of the great work we have done with various global brands, but what impact do these short productions have?

Well, it is about more than just selling products.

Firstly, let’s talk about the fans. A great sports advertisement can turn a casual viewer into a die-hard fan.

It can make us feel like we’re part of something bigger, a community of people who share the same passion.

Ever felt chills watching an underdog story unfold in a 30-second ad?

That’s the power of good sports advertising. It can create an emotional connection that lasts a lifetime.

A well-executed sports ad can also do wonders for a brand. We’re talking about increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and yes, sales.

But it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about building a brand that people trust and relate to.

When you nail a sports production, you’re not just selling a product; you’re selling a lifestyle and a dream and that could be truly inspiring to young talent watching on.

And last but not least, let’s not forget the impact on the sports themselves.

A fantastic marketing campaign can bring attention to lesser-known sports or athletes, giving them the recognition they deserve.

It can also change public perception. Think about how women’s sports have gained more visibility and respect, thanks in part to some groundbreaking advertising campaigns.

The Future of Sports Advertising

So, we’ve looked at the past and the present of sports advertising, so what about the future?

Virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive ads are all on the rise, which is changing the ways you can reach out to new viewers.

Imagine strapping on a VR headset and finding yourself on the field with your favourite athletes. It seems like something impossible, but maybe it is closer than you think.

Or how about ads that let you interact with the content, making you a part of the story? The possibilities are endless, and they’re coming at us faster than a David Beckham freekick.

But it’s not all easy. The industry faces challenges, too.

With the rise of ad-blockers and the decline of traditional TV viewership, reaching audiences is becoming increasingly complex.

Plus, in a world that’s more socially conscious than ever, brands need to be careful about the messages they send.

One wrong move, and you could find yourself in the middle of a PR nightmare.

To summarise, the future of sports advertising is a blend of innovation and responsibility.

Brands will need to embrace new technologies while staying true to their values and the values of the sports they represent.

It’s a fine line to walk, but those who get it right will not only capture our attention but also our hearts.

How Sport & Motion Can Help

If you’re a brand looking to make a splash in the sports advertising arena, look no further than Sport & Motion.

Based in London, our team offer a full suite of services, from talent sourcing to choreography, events, and film production. With over 750 sports talents on their database and a decade of experience in the industry, they know how to bring your vision to life.

So if you’re looking to create an ad that has a huge effect on your viewers, we can help.

Get in touch today to find out more.

man spinning ball for kick it out campaign

Personal Branding for Sports Professionals: Standing Out in a Competitive Field

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Have you ever wondered why some sports influencers seem to be everywhere while others seem to get much less exposure?

While there are many reasons this may be the case, one common one is a lack of personal branding.

In today’s hyper-competitive sports landscape, being a top-notch athlete isn’t always enough.

You need to be a brand and a personality that people can connect with and root for.

Personal branding isn’t just about self-promotion; it’s about creating a unique identity that sets you apart from the crowd.

It’s what turns sports talent into icons and legends.

So, if you’re looking to elevate your game both on and off the field, you’re in the right place, as the team at Sport & Motion has created this guide just for you.

Let’s take a look.

The Importance of Personal Branding in Sports

Let’s get real for a second. Sports is a tough industry to forge a career in.

You’re competing against hundreds, if not thousands, of athletes which can make it really hard to stand out and get noticed.

So, how do you rise above the noise and make sure fans, sponsors, consultants, and even scouts take notice?

The answer is personal branding.

Think of your personal brand as your own personal cheerleader. It’s what makes people sit up and pay attention when you walk into your chosen area of battle.

A strong personal brand can be your ticket to better sponsorship deals, more auditions and roles in great sports productions, and a deeper connection with your fans.

A well-crafted personal brand also gives you a sense of control over your public image.

You get to decide how people perceive you, rather than leaving it to chance or the whims of the media.

In a nutshell, your personal brand is your career’s best friend.

So, why wouldn’t you invest in it?

football freestyler

Key Elements of a Strong Personal Brand

I know what you’re thinking. You want to grow and build your personal brand, but where do you start?

Well, don’t worry as we’ve got you covered.

Here are the building blocks you’ll need to kickstart your personal brand:


First things first, be yourself.

People can spot a fake from a mile away. Authenticity is what makes your brand relatable and trustworthy.

So, whether you’re the funny guy, the underdog, or the wise veteran, embrace it and use it to influence people.

Your uniqueness is your strength.


Imagine if McDonald’s suddenly started selling sushi. Weird, right?

Consistency is key in branding.

From your social media posts to interviews, make sure there’s a common thread that ties everything together.

This helps people instantly recognise and remember you.

Value Proposition

What sets you apart from the rest?

Maybe you’re a cricket player with a knack for hitting big sixes, or perhaps you’re a football player with incredible defensive skills.

Identify what you bring to the table and make it the cornerstone of your brand.

Online Presence

In today’s digital age, if you’re not online, you’re already at a disadvantage when it comes to building an audience and growing your brand.

Your online presence is your brand’s shopfront.

Make sure it’s inviting, informative, and a true reflection of who you are.

Social media platforms are your best friends here; use them wisely.

These are a handful of key elements of a good personal brand, and if you think you have what it takes to really get started, then follow these simple steps to ensure you set off on the right path and stay on it.

Getting Started on Your Branding Journey

Building a personal brand might seem daunting, but the challenge is a key part of growing your personality and character.

There is a lot to cover though, so let’s break it down into manageable steps:

Step 1: Identify Your Unique Selling Points (USPs)

First off, grab a pen and paper (or open a new doc on your computer) and jot down what makes you special.

Are you a tennis player with a killer serve?

A football player with unmatched speed?

Whatever it is, write it down.

These are your USPs, and they’ll be the backbone of your brand.

Step 2: Create High-Quality Content

Content is King when it comes to building a persona and brand.

Start a blog, launch a YouTube channel, or simply be more active on social media.

Share tips, behind-the-scenes looks, or even day-in-the-life videos.

The goal is to provide value to your audience while showcasing your personality and skills.

Step 3: Engage with Your Audience

Posting content is great, but engagement is where the magic happens.

Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and don’t be afraid to jump into relevant conversations online.

The more you interact, the more people will feel connected to you and your brand.

Step 4: Leverage Social Media

You don’t have to be on every platform but pick 2-3 where your audience hangs out the most.

Use these platforms to share updates, celebrate wins, and even show some love to your fans.

Remember, social media is a two-way street.

How Sport & Motion can Help

Personal branding is not a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing process that requires attention, consistency, and a whole lot of passion.

Now, you may be wondering if there is professional help which can guide you along your career ladder. That’s where we come in.

Based in London, we’re a sports consultancy company that offers a database of sports talent, stunning choreography for exciting sports productions, and can even help organise sports events.

Whether you need to find the right sports talent, create visually impressive and impactful content, or even get assistance with script writing and storyboards, we’ve got you covered.

Our expertise can add that extra layer of authenticity and realism to your brand, making you not just an athlete but a brand that resonates with people.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch today and let us help your personal brand grow.

team huddle for kick it out campaign

How to Set the Scene in a Sports Production

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In the world of sports advertising, you only get a very small amount of time to create a big impression.

This means that every second counts, and therefore you must waste no time in setting the scene and jumping into the action.

Immersing a viewer in a sports production straight away isn’t easy though.

Here at Sport & Motion, we’ve worked with global brands on huge productions, and in this blog, we’re going to give some hints and tips on how to set the scene so it’s just right for the tone and feel of the film.

Let’s take a look.

The Importance of Setting the Scene in Sports Productions

Setting the scene nice and early in any production is vitally important.

This is a way to establish context for the viewer and needs to engage them and build their interest.

If you do it right, you’re sure to have their eyes glued to the screen for the duration of your production. Get it wrong, and it may be time to make a cup of tea.

This topic is so important because:

  • It Engages the Audience – As we’ve mentioned, you need to pull the viewer into the event on the screen and make them feel straight away like they are in the heat of the battle that is unfolding on their screen.
  • Provide Some Understanding – A sports production should be a short story, and therefore the viewer must understand what is happening in front of them and be able to emotionally invest in the tale. By setting the scene early, you allow for a compelling narrative to unfold, and this is a great way to get a viewer to buy into the production.
  • It Can Showcase a Brand – Many sports productions are done to promote businesses and brands, and these iconic names will require a certain feel to their advertisement. If you can portray this straight away, the viewer will immediately engage as they recognise familiar traits from historic ads. A good example of this (albeit not sports-related) is hearing the jingling of the bells before the Coca-Cola Christmas ad.

These are a handful of examples of why this is so important, and we now want to take you into five of our case studies in which the scene was set efficiently and effectively.

Setting the Scene with Sport & Motion

Barclay’s Women’s Super League – Not Here to Play

This production was packed with light-hearted, explosive fun.

Our team worked as a choreographer for this production, which showcases the scene straight away with a wide shot of WSL players at a photo shoot.

Immediately you can see where the action is taking place, and within the first five seconds, the action is underway with players battling it out for the football.

This was all about showcasing the player’s flair and passion for the sport and showcasing them breaking free from the photo shoot they were doing to highlight their skills against each other.

The result was tongue-in-cheek and filled with action, which is exactly the brief we were targeting.

New Balance – We Got Now

In this production for New Balance, we worked under a playful brief, which wanted to showcase the competitive companionship between the two characters, Syd and Coco.

This wasn’t going to be an intense shoot, and this is shown right from the first shot, with bright colours throughout and an upbeat choice of song to play in the background.

The viewer is transported straight to the heart of the action, and we wanted to provide the impression that you were a third friend holding the camera.

By asking Syd & Coco to look directly into the camera, and to adopt a playful nature, we got this across, and the final result was a fun and heartwarming take on competition, which is in line with the brand of New Balance.

While the first scene shows one character walking onto a tennis court looking quite intense, she immediately smiles and throws an item of clothing to her friend, who throws it into the camera.

This tells the viewer straight away what this advert is all about.

Boost Drinks – Leeds United FC

This case study is a little bit different and is designed more to be watched on social media platforms.

We worked with a leading female football freestyler to create an engaging and enthusiastic advertisement for the energy drink brand Boost.

It’s even more important to set the scene early on social media where people scroll within seconds if not engaged.

We created two separate advertisements, one which shows the freestyler performing skills behind a ‘Competition Time’ caption, and the other which immediately gets her on camera, talking about what is about to come.

Both of these are shot with the backdrop of energising music and quick switches between frames to provide an action-packed feel to the viewer.

We wanted to keep this one upbeat and focused on nothing but the action, and we did that by always focusing on the freestyler or members of the public who were performing the tricks.

Bet365 – ‘Traffic’ Sportsbook Worldwide

For this project, we wanted to tell a story to the viewer, and we set the scene by showing a wide shot of a traffic jam.

Immediately the camera pans inside a bus filled with sports fans and zooms into one person, who is frustratingly watching sports on his phone.

Before him, the play comes to life, and the scene is set.

It takes five seconds from the first shot to the action beginning, and from then on it doesn’t stop with miniature sporting talent battling it out in front of people using the betting app.

We wanted this to be a high-octane and futuristic production, and our approach was aimed at showing the changing methods of viewing sports through the latest technology.

By using high-intensity gameplay and sharp techniques, we keep the quality of the action high throughout, all while building on the story of people bringing sports to life through their phones.

Kick it Out Brand Film

Sometimes setting the scene is about more than the location and atmosphere, but also about the people involved in the production.

Our work for Kick it Out is a project we are still really proud of, and we were able to explore the diversity in our sports talent database to showcase our diverse range of female football players of different beliefs and abilities.

This inclusivity was paramount to fit the brand, and we loved being able to work on this advertisement.

There is a serious message behind this film, and that is showcased in the early shots with tense music in the background, low level colouring (it is even black and white in some shots) and scenes of empty pitches and stands.

This showcases a stark picture and is exactly what was intended to be highlighted early on.

As soon as the togetherness the brand is famous for is portrayed, the colours brighten, the music gets more upbeat, and the action more joyful.

This contrast paints a powerful message and is exactly what was needed to get across to the viewer.

Sport & Motion

Our team at Sports & Motion have worked on many great projects, and we love the opportunities that arise to flex our creative skills and showcase our talented clients.

Setting the scene can be tricky, but if you get it right it sets the rest of the production up for greatness.

If you want to know more about how our consultants, choreographers, and more can promote your brand through a sports production, then get in touch today.

Or if you’re an influencer, sports talent, or someone looking to begin their career and want to be part of our database and take advantage of some great opportunities to star in roles such as this, then apply now.

agent with client at sports production filming

How to Ensure You Pick the Right Sports Consultancy Agency for You

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For many people looking to begin or further a career in sports, working with a consultancy is a great option.

Whether you’re an influencer, a talented athlete, a body double, or something else, getting onto the books of an agency that can help boost your career is vital.

But how can you make sure you’re always picking the right team for you?

Well, at Sport & Motion, we know a thing or two about sports consultancy and have created this guide to help you find the perfect one.

Let’s take a look.

The Importance of Picking the Right Sports Consultancy Agency

If you can make a good decision when choosing the sports consultancy agency for you, then you are sure to see great results and achieve your goals throughout your time with the team.

There are many ways this choice can benefit you and your career, including:

  • Make Your Dreams a Reality: A good agency will listen to you and learn more about what you want to gain from your career. Using this information, choices will be made to help you achieve it.
  • Keep You on the Right Track: The path to a great career in the sports industry can be bumpy, so a good agency will ensure you’re always heading in the right direction, whether it’s in terms of your physical progress, emotions, and ensuring you mitigate risks and avoid any issues.
  • Focus on Long-Term Achievements: The right agency shouldn’t be with you for a short while. They should plan out your whole career, staying by your side through the years to ensure you keep reaching your goals and maximising your potential.

These are just a few of the reasons this is an important choice, but how can you ensure you make the right one?

Here are ten tips to help.

sports consultant with clients

10 Tips for Making the Right Choice

Know What You Want

You should always start by clearly outlining your objectives and desires that you want to achieve in your career.

This can help you filter through different agencies until you find one with which you believe you can really get to where you want to be.

Different agencies specialise in different segments of the sports industry, so pick one where you know your skills will fit in perfectly.

Do Your Research

This is a big decision you’re about to make, and as with any big decision, it is always wise to do some research into the different agencies available to you.

As mentioned in the previous point, look for agencies that can offer what you need, but you should also look into the track record and history of potential agencies.

Review case studies, client testimonials, and who is in their portfolio to get a good idea of what each agency is all about.

Speak to People in the Industry

If you’re making your way through your sports career, chances are you will have worked with coaches, or other people in your position.

If you know some talented individuals, influencers, and more, who are looking to forge a similar path as you, then they may have experience working with certain agencies or know of ones with a good reputation.

First-hand reviews can be great, especially when from a trusted source, so don’t be afraid to reach out to people before you make a decision.

Speak to the Agency

There will come a time when you meet your chosen agency.

This could be seen as an interview or an audition in which you can showcase your skills and personality.

This is also an opportunity for you to learn more about the agency you are speaking with.

You can gauge a lot from the first meeting. Does the brand ethos suit your personality? Do you see yourself working closely with this team for many years?

Your first impressions here can play a big part in your final decision so don’t be afraid to ask questions and go with your gut.

Check the Contract

While the financial side of things right now may not be the first thing on your mind as you look to begin a career in this industry, you should still read through the contract provided closely.

Make sure you agree with all aspects of it, for now and in the future.

This includes any fees you may need to pay, payment structures, and any clauses that may affect you as you get more opportunities and progress in your career.

actors stood around director

Ask What They Have in Mind

Alongside a contract should be a proposal.

This is an indication of what the agency sees in you, and how they plan to take your career to the level you are aiming for.

This is an important part for you, as you need to make sure this aligns with your goals in terms of timescale, expectations, and more.

Read through this thoroughly to ensure you are signing up with an agency whose thoughts align with yourselves, and who also believes in you to make a great career.

Trust Your Instincts

I’ve mentioned this briefly above, but ultimately your instincts should play a pivotal role in picking the right agency.

Choose the team you feel most comfortable with, and who you see yourself being close to throughout your career.

You may immediately think a team will be able to get the best results for your career, or perhaps you think one team is much better at communicating and you feel much more at home there than all of the others.

This should be a key sign this is the right agency for you, so don’t ignore it.

How Flexible are They?

The last thing you want is an agency that may leave you frustrated that they can’t offer what you need.

The right agency should be flexible and be able to customise their offering to suit your skills and desires.

Whether you want to add a role to your skillset that you need factoring into your strategy, or you need extra assistance in other areas, the right agency should listen to this and be able to tailor a solution that works for both parties.

Think of the Brand

A well-respected brand can be a great thing to have backing you as you seek out different roles and opportunities.

In many instances, if you can show that you are part of a great sports consultancy agency that people know and trust, then this is the perfect way to gain a competitive advantage over someone who may not be able to say the same.

This is a great way of building your reputation, and as the brand of the business grows, yours should also improve in alignment with it.

Define Success Early On

As with any business, there should be a way in which you can manage and monitor success.

This may be defined by key performance indicators which should be set early so you can always keep track of the progress being made.

It is always a good idea to set these early on and ensure that the company you have chosen to work with sees success in the same way that you do.

sports consultant with clients

Sport & Motion

If you’re looking to enhance your career by joining a sports consultancy agency, then why not speak to the Sport & Motion team today?

Our database contains a wide range of varied and talented athletes, and you could be next.

boxer standing in ring

What are the Roles of a Sports Influencer?

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There are many different types of sports influencers.

There are global superstars who amass millions of followers aiming to get a glimpse into their lifestyle.

There is also the other aspect of influencer life. The up-and-coming athletes whose daily grind is an inspiration to many people.

No matter what type of influencer you are, you will be expected to fulfill many different roles throughout your career.

Each one will impact your audience in a different way, and if you can provide an all-round approach, that is ideal.

These are the different ways your work is taken in by people, and we’ve listed seven of them here.

Let’s take a look.

son heung min with body double

7 Roles of a Sports Influencer

A Role Model

Sports influencers inspire their followers by showcasing the dedication, hard work, and discipline that is required to excel in their chosen field.

Their journeys serve as motivation for individuals looking to achieve their fitness and sports goals.

The way they live their life, conduct themselves, and dedicate themselves to their work makes them a great role model to people who are looking to follow a similar career.

Especially if from a similar background, it shows that great things can be achieved if you push yourself in the right way, and this can be inspiring to many.

An Educator

Influencers provide valuable information about training techniques, workout routines, nutrition, and sports-related topics.

They educate their audience on best practices, helping followers make informed decisions about their fitness journeys.

There is a lot more to becoming an expert in your field than many people believe. Taking a glimpse into the life of a professional footballer for example, you will see a focused diet, regular training sessions, and much more.

Showing how to exercise, recover, eat, sleep, and much more can be really valuable to someone who is struggling and can’t work out why.

Providing this education is great content for someone who is looking to learn.

A Content Creator

Sports influencers generate a wide range of content, including videos, photos, blog posts, and social media updates.

Their creative efforts entertain, educate, and engage their audience while providing insights into their daily routines.

This is a key aspect of growing a following and maintaining a constant communication with them.

Basically, everything stems from your content. The story you want to tell, the lessons you want to give, and the tips you want to trade are all key aspects of this.

When it comes to creating content, make sure it is regular, and that ideas and uploads are always kept fresh so your following doesn’t get bored.

They follow you to be entertained and inspired, so make sure that you provide this.

A Motivator

With their personal stories of challenges and successes, influencers motivate others to overcome obstacles, push their limits, and achieve their goals, whether in sports or other areas of life.

If people can see a success story, then they will believe that they themselves can always do the same and will follow the advice you give to help them along the way.

A key aspect of becoming a talented athlete is motivation, so make sure that you always let the viewer know how much effort and desire has gone into making you the athlete you are today.

This motivation will rub off on them and lead them to pick up their boots and get out for more practise to boost them along their own journey.

man balancing ball on head

A Storyteller

Sports influencers often share their personal journeys, creating narratives that resonate with their audience.

These stories can be tales of triumph, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence.

This is a key aspect of building a following as if people can relate to your story and take plenty of meaning from it, then they are sure to gain plenty of insight from your content.

This lends itself to a few other categories listed here, such as motivation and education, and your story should provide both of these and more.

While it is great to showcase a skill you can do, for example, showing the journey of learning it and how you finally mastered it is much more compelling and can leave a much bigger effect on the audience.

Most influencers have overcome challenges and hardship in getting to where they are, so let your viewer know about this, as this will help them overcome challenges of their own.

An Agent of Change

Sports influencers can drive change and awareness on important issues, such as mental health, body positivity, and gender equality, by using their platforms to initiate meaningful conversations.

This is a side to being a sports influencer that is very important, as it can really open up a dialogue on pressing matters that are important to you.

As an influencer, people will look up to you and admire you, so use this feeling to speak to them on sensitive issues and provide your guidance on the matter.

Another way you can be an agent of change is through innovation.

Influencers often experiment with new training methods, equipment, and workout routines.

They introduce innovative approaches to fitness, helping their audience stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

An Ambassador

The final role in this list is that of an ambassador.

We’ve all seen sports stars promoting their new sportswear and this is because they are an ambassador for a brand.

What this means is they wear the gear as a way of advertising it, and this is a really powerful tool in sports marketing and beyond.

If your favourite sports star wears Adidas boots for example, you’re a lot more likely to want a pair for yourself.

You can also discuss what’s good about the brand’s products and showcase the positive features yourself.

If you’re a runner, and you’ve just completed a marathon in a great pair of trainers, let your followers know.

Most of these will also be runners so this could be a big help to them, and the brand who created the shoes.

Jamie Redknapp

Sports Influencers at Sport & Motion

Want to fulfil these roles as a sports influencer?

Then Sport & Motion can help. Our database has a wide range of talented athletes, including influencers, who can work with you to boost your exposure and make the most of your expertise and skillset.

The rise of sports influencers has been rapid, and now is the perfect time for you to begin the journey to becoming one.

Want to know more? Then get in touch with our team today.

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